Monday, February 13, 2012

Something i never thought would happen

My new office is so close to home, I've taken to riding my bike every day. Our previous office was about a 15 minute drive and it was near a Target. I frequently picked up huge boxes of diapers on my lunch break. Diapers, diaper cream, baby soap, toddler toothpaste, you name it - it was right there. 

While I think not being next to Target saves me money, I miss the convenience of it. 

Last night, something happened I thought could never happen to me: I ran out of diapers. Completely out. I didn't even realize how low we were. How is this possible? I've been buying diapers in semi-bulk for almost two years and all of sudden there are none left? Not a one?

My first thought, as I diapered Anika with the very last diaper, was that this lone diaper could be out of commission in the blink of an eye. 

It was late and we were all in pajamas; but we had to take action and move fast. We all put on tennis shoes and dragged/walked over to the nearest convenient store for a tiny box of diapers at a higher price.

All in all, we averted any diaper crisis. So there it is - something I thought I'd never have to worry about: running out of diapers. Never again will I let the diaper stash out of my radar. And I'm going to find more excuses to shop at Target more frequently.

NOTE: I like to keep organized, so I'm reposting my blogs in one spot. This one originally ran on August 11, 2009.

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