Friday, February 3, 2012

The incredible adventures of a non-sleeping baby

NOTE: I like to be organized, so I'm reposting my old blogs to have them all in one place. This originally ran on August 15, 2008.

We made it! All of us (mainly me) survived our first week of day care.

Anika is adjusting well and I’m getting into the swing of our new schedules. My daughter amazes me every day with her new feats and how she's beginning to decipher the world. But what amazes me most of all is the fact that she seems to need no sleep.

As far as daycare goes, I understand her non-sleeping tendency. I know how she is in groups of kids: When we visit my nephews she doesn’t nap, either. She doesn’t want to miss any potential excitement.

Reason would have it that a non-sleeping baby in the afternoon would be a sleeping baby at night. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

After 5 days in daycare, Anika has barely napped and she has gone to bed late and woke up early … for 5 days in a row. Did I say 5 days? If not, I’d like to mention it’s been FIVE days for my non-sleeping baby.

I count my lucky stars she isn’t fussy when she wakes up in the middle of the night. She giggles and starts crawling around, wide-eyed and ready to play!

Last night was the longest night of sleep yet — 4 hours.

Although she’s happy overall, I can tell from the slight shift in her demeanor that she’s nearing the end of her sleep protest. She can’t hold on much longer … or can she?

Maybe she will finally tire out this weekend when I bring her to the waterpark with her cousins. Hopefully we can all squeeze in a nap before we squeeze in the car.

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