NOTE: I like to keep organized, so I'm re-posting my blogs so they are in one place. This one ran October, 3, 2008.
When I came in to work today, I learned that I had an adventure yesterday. Or an "almost adventure."
In the afternoon, I went shopping for an upcoming photo shoot with our creative director.We perused the thrift store racks and found perfect clothes with even more perfect accesories. I had an idea in mind for a hat, but didn't find one. As we were checking out, this great hat appeared out of nowhere! It was fate. We were feeling pretty lucky and we checked out and sparked more ideas back and forth for upcoming Metroparent covers.
As we left the building, got into the car, there was a backup of traffic. We couldn't get through. We waited. And waited. We saw a handful of policemen standing around and the road was being blocked off, but we didn't see any reason for it. "All this for a hit and run," I thought.
Turns out someone donated a box of items to the store, including a live grenade and smoke canister. And the police everywhere? Yep, that was the bomb squad, fire department and police officers.I read online that the police detonated the grenade in a field without incident.
WOW!!!! All the potential disasters ran through my head and today I'm feeling pretty lucky that none of them came to fruition. I came home, gave Anika big kisses, "just because." You really never know what's in store each day, so it's a damn good reminder to make the most of every day and not get held up by the little things that make us stress out and worry .
Next time I'm held up in traffic, instead of cursing under my breath, I'll take the extra minute to count my blessings!
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