NOTE: I like to be organized, so I'm reposting my old blogs to have them all in one place. This originally ran on July 10, 2008.
I am not usually shocked by people's behavior, but every once in a while, I still find myself speechless. This was the case at our recent excursion to the July 4th fireworks.
As children do, my 4-year-old nephew started jumping around and was getting closer to the water. My sister held his arm, told him not to roughhouse by the edge and to, instead, play by our blanketed area. There wasn't a moment when he was not under a watchful eye.
An older man sitting next to us leaned forward and sternly said: "He's playing a foot from the water. You need to be a better parent to that boy."
His tone was extremely snotty, like that of a child's. It amazes me what people will say to one another, especially about a subject as sensitive as parenting skills. I can't help but wonder, what's the point of saying something with such judgement? To argue with a stranger? To make a scene at a family event? It certainly wasn't to make friendly conversation or lend a helping hand. Had no one ever told him "if you can't say anything nice ...."? Or how about putting the Golden Rule into play?
There was no imminent danger. My nephew was never in harm's way and any potential danger was squashed by my sister before it ever became an issue. You know, what parents do.
For being so concerned about children, this man certainly wasn't concerned about the example he was setting our three children listening to his every word: That's it's OK to talk rudely to other people.
I guess it's up to the good parents to teach children to treat people better than that.
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