Monday, February 13, 2012

My first not-so relaxing day off

Any regular reader of my column is well aware that amy normal relaxed self become a little Type A before we travel with the family.

So, as we are approaching our first road trip of the season, I'm trying something new: relaxing. I'm just going to do it, no matter how hard I fight myself to do otherwise.

I took a full day off work before my vacation, so I can have eight child-free hours to clean my house, find the kids' swimsuits, pack our bags and run any last minute errands.

The morning was perfect. I slept in a little and then watched my little angel, Anika, sleeping peacefully.

When she woke, we played some games and shared lots of giggles. Then dressing her was the battle of all battles. Her little voice yelled, "NO! NO! NONONONO..." for almost a half-hour. All she wanted was her pajamas (which were the chosen boycottelast night).

After changing her diaper , I decided I was completely OK with losing this battle. I put on her shoes and hat , brought her to daycare in her pajamas and hoped for the best.

But before we got to the daycare,  I couldn't get her buckled in her carseat. She just wouldn't let me. And this is one battle I won't lose.As I'm reaching my limit, I see a friend walking down our block. He came over to the car, gave Anika a hug and buckled her in with not even a flinch from the screaming thrashing Anika I saw just moments ago.

At daycare, it was another screaming fit to UNBUCKLE her. Excuse me, Anika, but isn't this the buckle you DIDN'T want five minutes ago?

Well, I got her unbuckled ... sloooowly .... dropped her off ..... slowly...... and went shopping for a new pair of flip flops and sunscreen. It felt like it took an hour to find the sunscreen, don't ask how it's possible because I don't know.

So, hours later than I expected, I'm starting to clean the house and pack for everyone - as minimally as possible. I just made a super-strong pot of coffee and I'm going to try again. I'm going to relax (no matter what!), pack (for everyone) and  try not to feel bad about how many times I've called the office on my day off.

NOTE: I like to keep organized, so I'm reposting my old blogs in one spot. This one originally ran on May 21, 2009.

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